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The damp night air felt heavy with suspicion—mine. My brothers would tell me I was crazy, but I knew what my senses were saying. They’d been honed over years on the streets to keep all three of us safe, and right now they were screaming.

 Something wasn’t right.

 “Where the hell is this guy?”

 The words came out a low growl, but I had no doubt Remi and Eli heard them through the communication device in my ear. It was Eli who answered. 

 “On his way here, maybe? It’s not even a quarter till, Levi. Not everyone’s got a stick up their ass like you.”

 I shot a bird toward the window of the office two buildings down where my youngest brother was working his magic with the surveillance equipment. In our business, you better have a stick up your ass when it came to details or you were dead. Easing deeper into the shadows of the overhang I stood under, I scanned the street once more. “I’m telling you, something’s not right. I don’t like it.”

 “When do you ever like anything?” Remi asked. He waited on a second-story balcony directly across the street, hidden behind a brick column, his favorite Remington 700 pointed in my general direction. Watching my back—and giving me a hard time. My relationship with my brothers in a nutshell.

 “Never,” Eli said in my ear, proving my point.


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